Three Reasons the 99 Percent Are Occupying Wall Street

YouTube Description:

The 99 Percent Movement is spreading, and their gripes are legitimate. How did we get to a place where the richest 1 percent of Americans control 40 percent of the country's wealth, own 50 percent of U.S.-owned stocks and bonds, and earn 24 percent of total income? Where the middle class is shrinking, to the point that the share of income going to the middle 60 percent of Americans fell five percentage points in the last 30 years. And where many millionaires pay less in taxes than their employees? In this video, the Center for American Progress identifies three factors that contributed to the creation of two Americas, one for the top 1% and one for the rest of us.

@chilaxe I'm not putting scare quotes around the 99% just because you want the whole thing presented with a mocking tone. Oh, and it's meant to be a reference to income percentile anyways.

Also, if you want to present a case that the factual claims made in the video are false, nobody's stopping you from doing so, though just saying "it's not true" isn't really gonna cut it.

In case you're curious, here's the page at CAP's website with the video, including links to sources for the claims made in the description. They also have more here.


99% of the people do not support or have much of anything in common with the OWS crowd.

We are all screwed by the debt the GOVERNMENT ran up, but Wall St. is not to blame for that.

We would have been far better off if those firms that were bailed out were simply allowed to go bankrupt.

These bailouts have not helped the economy, only spread around more poverty.

Big fail for big gov't.


yes and no. The 1% consist of corporate titans who have, essentially, lobbied to the point of bribing-if-not-outright-buying the congress men and women who make up the government. So, while, sure, the government may hold much of the "blame," as it were, the fault resides with the corporatocratric kleptocracy that our government has become.>> ^bobknight33:

Blame the Government not the 1%.


Classic image at 1:06. Chicks in skirts with shopping bags walking by the homeless guy who is likely a young war veteran. He risked his life, and likely lost some friends in the war... for their right to shop.

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