These kids play outside no matter how cold it gets

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Kindergarteners at Prairie Sky School in Regina are expected to bundle up and play outside, no matter how cold it gets. "Making it part of our daily routine really helps. The kids come dressed and prepared to be outside," says teacher Anna Rose.

I remember loving the cold snow in PA back in the 80s. Cancel(l)ed school days, snow forts and balls, sleds, etc. As an old fart, I'm cold in my <70F degrees room. LOL!


Put me on a warm sunny beach any day and I will be happy!
But I love how you are teaching the kids how to adapt to their environment and love it for what it is, it will teach then invaluable lessons in the future, no matter how much the climate might change.
We can learn so much from both indigenous communities and from other foreign communities around the globe, so embrace it, learn from it and teach each other the best way to survive.
Denial, arrogance and lack of understanding our environment are the best ways of failing our chance of survival.
Great video, great kindergarten!

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