The entertainment industry's tweeking of reality

This video ends with the banner, "Celebrities are not perfect," and while I don't disagree, I actually find many of the "ugly" pictures of the celebrities to be more attractive than the pictures with the full Hollywood-style presentation. I think it is just good to remember that what you see in a magazine or on screen isn't what you would see if you were hanging out at the person's house helping them perform some domestic chore.

Nice Sift, but yeah, some of the "natural" photos do look good, the thing that is always faked in the commerical images is the warm lighting and the "glowing" skin - its sad some people actually believe celebrities look like this...they don't, anybody can look "celebrity" with a pro photograher and post fx

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A lot of the "without makeup" photos seem to be paparazzi shots with the celebs looking their absolute worst, so it's not a fair comparison. But I agree with the sentiments above, I like my babes au naturel.


I agree it's not a fair comparison for some of the people concerned, the photos are almost randomly paired, you'd need to see a lot more pictures with and without make-up to get some idea of how people look with(out) make-up.

I like faces both with and without make-up, it can add a new dimension to a face if properly done. And when you have studio lights or flashlights directed at you some toning of your skin is not a bad idea.

Why is there only one man (Leo) added?

The final lines should be:
Celebrities are people
People are not perfect


This is kind of stupid. Of course celebrities are going to look like sh*t with food in their mouths. That goes for anyone.

Next video will be celebrities on the sh*tter. "They are just like us".


Yea, these celeb. comparisons are put out there because women are all haters and they love to know that the celebrity they love to hate isn't a perfect goddess. Truth is many of those celebrities are beautiful without makeup and professional lighting, I don't see the problem with most of them.


I don't really give a fuck about anyone of them, I just upvoted for the lol expressions on their soggy faces when they realised the paparazzis caught them after an all night alcohol and cocaine binge

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