The Random Stop - Anatomy of a Murder

In 1998, 22-year old Deputy Kyle Dinkheller pulled a man over for speeding. This is a reenactment of what happened.

damnit, beat me to it. What is the...point..of this video if the actual footage is already out there.


I'm confused...why is this not *snuff?
Also, why did they make this re-enactment when they have the actual footage?


This seemed pointless. They tried to make the event more impactful by overdramatizing it (showing the cop talking to his wife about their daughter, drawing out the gunfight, having the cop mention his family right before getting killed, etc) but it just made it feel like a cheesy Hollywood drama. The actual dashcam footage is way, way more impactful and really shows how sudden and brutal murder can be.

It's all too easy to hate cops (and authority figures in general) but it's also easy to forget that even a routine traffic stop can be a life-or-death situation. Cops have no idea who is behind the wheel. It could be a soccer mom or it could be a violent psychopath.


all the more reason to invest in mental health and sensible gun laws/enforcement to put the odds more in the soccer mom side of things.

because for some reason the "good guys" with guns have a habit of becoming "bad guys"

With great power comes great responsibility.

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