The Raid Director Gareth Evans Lists His Top 5 Action Scenes

Great picks.

It sounds like the ultimate hipster doucheism, but really Jackie Chans Hong Kong movies are just so much better than his western stuff. Police Story is just so funny, it really showcases Chans comedic timing.

If you haven't seen it, you're really missing out. It's worth it for the scene where he has to answer 5 phones at once alone.

Also similiar to that last scene is the last fight in Fearless between Jet Li and Shido Nakamura (or at least his stunt double)


Not hipster doucheism at all -- it's pretty much impossible to deny. I mean, the first Rush Hour was fun, as was Shanghai Noon, but the rest of Chan's Hollywood filmography has been pretty weak (I mean, I don't think anyone is going to come out of the woodwork to defend the Tuxedo). And even those two pretty good films pale in comparison to pretty much anything Chan made in Hong Kong in the '80s and early '90s.


It sounds like the ultimate hipster doucheism, but really Jackie Chans Hong Kong movies are just so much better than his western stuff. Police Story is just so funny, it really showcases Chans comedic timing.


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