The Future of God: Harris&Shermer vs Deepak Chopra&J.Houston


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>> ^PalmliX:

Sam Harris in top form here, not letting Deepok get away with anything which leaves him with basically nothing!

i would not go as far as to say deepok had nothing but i will say that to have a productive discussion you first have to define the terms.

in that regard deepok failed and became quite defensive and combatative while harris was on point once those terms were defined.

i am not usually a harris fan.he tends to get caught up on the religious aspect of the metaphysical discussions but here he let that go fairly early my opinion..was able to better express himself without all the butthurt.

i have to be careful when i criticize harris here on the sift.the fanboys are pretty fanatical in their devotion.



Natural selection and mutation over millions of generations in biological systems produces ordered results. On a cosmological scale, physical forces draw bodies into stable relationships. Science can easily explain how these phenomena occur.

But you don't really want answers.

"Tide goes in, tide goes out. You can't explain that.">> ^lantern53:

>> ^KnivesOut:
Certainly not by reading children's stories meant to scare simpletons into conformance. Observation, hypothesis, prediction, experiment, conclusion.>> ^lantern53:
Atheists believe order comes from chaos.
How do you defend that?

Many, if not most religious traditions use analogy to explain ultimate truths.
But explain to me how order comes from chaos?


FF to 17:23 for Harris' incredulous look while Chopra tries to cram linguistic nonsense in his earholes.

I really liked Leonard Molodinov's cameo - he seems quite a good public speaker and quite likeable.

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