The French are Sore Losers

The French national football (soccer) team were ceremoniously dumped out of the World Cup competition in the initial group stages after a shocking performance in their three games.
France drew their opening game against Uruguay then went on to lose against Mexico. In their final game, they needed a win to progress into the knock-out stages, but lost against the host nation South Africa.
At the end of the match, the French manager (coach) Domenech refused to shake hands with the South African manager Parreira.

I was surprised by this. At the end of the game, the French players all seemed to be good sports. They were in an unenviable situation but they were all friendly with their SA counterparts. They might have even appreciated that even though they lost they were part of a great game and it was nice to have SA win a world cup match on their home soil. But Domenech does seem like a poor sport.


Don't forget the other part to the french story:

Nicholas Anelka goes on a big rant at the manager during half time of the preceding game, gets sent home for this.
Players turn up the next day and argue with the head fitness coach, then refuse to train because Anelka was sent home.
Some players were suspected of wanting to "boycott" the game against SA, reportedly why there were 5 or 6 changes in the lineup - to avoid embarassment.


>> ^nomino:

How does this not have terrible tag. This is one of the worst things to be teaching little athletes...

Agreed! As a footballer myself, after the game is over.... it's done, leave it on the pitch. When the final whistle blows it's all handshakes and smiles, Respect and Class.


Apparently, Domenech didn't want to shake Parreira's hand because before the World Cup he said France didn't deserve to be there (because of Henry's hand ball).

Still doesn't change the fact that he's a douche.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

This title shits me. This guy's a douche and "the French" are sore losers? This is what I hate about nationalism. As an American I'm constantly judged as a complete representations of American characteristics, over here in Australia. Anyone can be a douche - it makes no difference their nationality, race or religion.


>> ^dag:

This title shits me. This guy's a douche and "the French" are sore losers? This is what I hate about nationalism. As an American I'm constantly judged as a complete representations of American characteristics, over here in Australia. Anyone can be a douche - it makes no difference their nationality, race or religion.


And besides that, everyone knows a real French team never would've lost in the first place, they'd have surrendered before they had the chance.


>> ^dag:

This title shits me. This guy's a douche and "the French" are sore losers? This is what I hate about nationalism. As an American I'm constantly judged as a complete representations of American characteristics, over here in Australia. Anyone can be a douche - it makes no difference their nationality, race or religion.

I'll play devil's advocate here.

It accurately epitomizes the petulant in-fighting blown up in front of the entire world during the previous weekend.

By "The French" we're referring to the team, not the nation here.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

But even that's too much grouping. The coach is an asshole - he is not the team. This is why despise sports -brings out all of our tribalism and prejudices.>> ^Krupo:

>> ^dag:
This title shits me. This guy's a douche and "the French" are sore losers? This is what I hate about nationalism. As an American I'm constantly judged as a complete representations of American characteristics, over here in Australia. Anyone can be a douche - it makes no difference their nationality, race or religion.

I'll play devil's advocate here.
It accurately epitomizes the petulant in-fighting blown up in front of the entire world during the previous weekend.
By "The French" we're referring to the team, not the nation here.


Far enough.


For the next five minutes.

In all seriousness, you heard about the rest of the team's shenanigans too though, no?

>> ^dag:

But even that's too much grouping. The coach is an asshole - he is not the team. This is why despise sports -brings out all of our tribalism and prejudices.>> ^Krupo:
>> ^dag:
This title shits me. This guy's a douche and "the French" are sore losers? This is what I hate about nationalism. As an American I'm constantly judged as a complete representations of American characteristics, over here in Australia. Anyone can be a douche - it makes no difference their nationality, race or religion.

I'll play devil's advocate here.
It accurately epitomizes the petulant in-fighting blown up in front of the entire world during the previous weekend.
By "The French" we're referring to the team, not the nation here.

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