That time RATM stormed the NY Stock Exchange to film a video


I love this song.

Note the sign at 1:05. That was 1999/ 2000. His second failed attempt of 5 (88, 2000, 2004, 2016, 2020), this time as the reform party candidate. Between 87 and 2012 he changed parties 5 times.

The game show statistics are dated, they're almost all much worse today.

*promote the 1% sleeping in the person controlling billions of dollars when billions of people don't have one dollar is immoral.


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"anti-family & pro-terrorist?"

wtf just happen at the Capitol? in the Senate? killing men & women is as anti-family* and terroristic AF.

as far as terrorist groups, the GOP is a far greater threat than RATM. sanctioning anyone in their group voting against the president?! having self-respect, voting your conscience, being principled, standing up for law & order - no place for them in the party.

brown-shirts were held to the same standard.

the mobsters, doing the don's bidding, defecated & urinated on a national landmark yet only they get any punishment?

turtle mitch said dimwit donnie was guilty and should be punished - but not by them. they were sworn to uphold the Consitution...but he violated the Consitution so long ago...too late for recourse.

as if the incoming AG will be rooted on by the GOP?

that orange turd said he could shoot a person on 5th Ave with nothing happening to him. he got 5 killed and nothing is happening.

~~~~~but the video was great.

got sidetrack.
damn me for caring.


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