Texas Secession Rally

This was from a rally on the weekend. They've taken Rick Perry's bombast to the next level.

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Make sure you scramble the fighter jets out of Texas and roll the tanks and other equipment into New Mexico, before they secede - and then - don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you Tejas. Thanks for all the TexMex and Austin City Limits.

God forbid that a nation should try and provide health care for its people - by all means - GTFO of the country, if that offends.


Secession eh? Better think through that more than just "oh we'll get our rights back." Bye bye federal funding, hello wave of drug cartels and illegal immigrants. Your state will not be funded enough to handle this, so you'll eventually request help from neighboring countries. At that point, you'll probably feel really stupid. This is why the average joe is not in charge of anything politically-related. You don't know what is best.


I love it. I don't care for Texas personally (hope to never go back), but I support their secession. When the US declared its Independence it couldn't do it without the support of all 13 colonies. One of the caveats for colonial support was guaranteed state rights, and since the turn of the twentieth century the free & independent states have been systematically reduced to one large nation-state where federal government is George III.

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."


1. Bye, have fun with your new nation. You wont be missed. But thank you for just making the Republican Party even more irrelavent in Congress. Maybe you can ask GWB to be your leader. He does have experience running a country in to the ground....maybe he'll do better with your nation.

2. Sounds like a bunch of people with bloated ego's and not enough wisdom. I'm sure this is not even 2% of texan residents thoughts. Notice that all the people speaking, and those in this crowd are white, and seem to hate those who arent.

3. So if this does happen, what are the things that will happen?
A. No more military support or funding. That's right, all those communities that rely on military and defense contracts disappear, and those people are put on unemployment. The tax revenue disappears.
B. Most citizens of the USA flee to other states, further losing tax revenue.
C. The Coast Guard pulls out, and no longer protects the sea ways. Customs agents move out of Texas. Like wise, the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, and even FEMA pull out. That's alot of money going in to texas communities.
D. The US Goverment no longer gives financial support to Texas, and treats them like any other country.

So after all that, what does this new Texas nation have to look forward to:
1. High unemployment
2. Creation of its how military service (can you say 'Drafted'?). This includes land, sea, and air units. The sheer logistics that go with fielding a military are also figured in.
3. Infrastructure. Roads have to be maintained, communication systems have to be set up, and even clean drinking water has to be in place for anyone to live there.
4. Creation of your own goverment, along with all the idiots you hate to have with it. In our goverment, we call them lobbyists, other goverments have names for them. These guys will try to draw the lion's share of your meager income in to their pockets.
5. Revenue will be a bitch. Since to pay for all this, you will have to tax ever citizen about 87% of their take home pay. Funny how you complain about taxes in the USA right now. Go have your own nation and find out how deluted thinking works.

So yes, if these bloated idiots want to succession from the USA, let them. When they finally learn that they were stupid and foolish and want back in, we say 'tough shit'. And if we, the 49 states of the Union vote them back in, I'm sure there will be a consetion that each of these people will have a tattoo placed on their chest that says 'I am an idiot', and have no right to vote until the day they die.


^Good point, rougy. It's sad that this smacks of partisan hatred. When Bush was spending their children into debt with his spendthrift war, you didn't hear shit out of them. A black guy gets in office, and all of a sudden they start fighting the good fight.

Oh well, at least they're fighting it, I suppose. I'm suspicious they're disingenuous.


This whole thing is a little ridiculous. If you look hard enough you can probably find a secessionist movment in every state in this country. The video says 500 people showed up to this thing. It looked like MAYBE 1/5 of that to me, but lets give them the benfit and say all 500 were there and accounted for.

My high school pep rallies had four or five times that number of people. Beyond the shock value the media likes to get out of it... and how well it seems to play that it's in Texas... This is just a group of people who like to scream into microphones... if they got everything they wanted they'd just check it off the list and move on to the next thing to scream about.


After sifting through their BS for awhile... i found this on their site.

"The organization has been in existence for more than 10 years.. "

It isn't a new group... and their message hasn't changed. Where they've been dismissed in the past, now they make for good 'news' and TV. Really the only difference.

The 'pep' rally analogy is really pretty accurate. Both are just a bunch of people, many in costumes, shouting into megaphones getting themselves all worked up. But if you arn't part of the group your bound to think it's pretty damn silly.

Damn we should have put some of our rallies online... people might have really believed we WERE #1... Go team...

Excuse me i'm going to be sick.

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