Texas Rail Road Bridge Fire

Over the Colorado River in Lampasas County. Someone was in the right place at the right time!

For some not-so-strange reason, this looks intentional-How else (notwithstanding the creosote-soaked wood used for railroad timber) would the entire length of the thing burn so uniformly and so completely?

*edit- Ok, brush-fire. Now I see it-Damn. Ten million and change to rebuild it, construction to begin post-haste as this is a line used frequently for Ag near there.

aimpointjokingly says...

It was a controlled demolition set off by the firefighters who are planning to force us all to pay fire insurance again and are using this bridge to send their message.


For some not-so-strange reason, this looks intentional-How else (notwithstanding the creosote-soaked wood used for railroad timber) would the entire length of the thing burn so uniformly and so completely?

*edit- Ok, brush-fire. Now I see it-Damn. Ten million and change to rebuild it, construction to begin post-haste as this is a line used frequently for Ag near there.

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