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kronosposeidonI'm sure Whoopi Goldberg will come to their defense. Apparently she has more time to defend racist pigs now that she doesn't have to defend Rapey McAsshole anymore.
Yogi>> ^kronosposeidon:
I'm sure Whoopi Goldberg will come to their defense. Apparently she has more time to defend racist pigs now that she doesn't have to defend Rapey McAsshole anymore.
Wow...yeah I definitely don't see a difference in the two situations at all. Nope that crowd of angry racist white folks is exactly the same as a drunk celebrity millionaire saying racist comments to someone when he doesn't realize he's being recorded.
There's an obvious difference, for one thing I don't fucking care what Mel Gibson has to say. I care about what large groups of our countrymen have to say and I care about them sponsoring politicians and trying to get their warped views represented in this country.
kronosposeidonI don't dispute a single word of what you wrote.
I wrote what I wrote for no better reason than to say, "What a fucked up world we live in."
Right now, it's about all I feel like saying. >> ^Yogi:
>> ^kronosposeidon:
I'm sure Whoopi Goldberg will come to their defense. Apparently she has more time to defend racist pigs now that she doesn't have to defend Rapey McAsshole anymore.
Wow...yeah I definitely don't see a difference in the two situations at all. Nope that crowd of angry racist white folks is exactly the same as a drunk celebrity millionaire saying racist comments to someone when he doesn't realize he's being recorded.
There's an obvious difference, for one thing I don't fucking care what Mel Gibson has to say. I care about what large groups of our countrymen have to say and I care about them sponsoring politicians and trying to get their warped views represented in this country.
Yogi>> ^kronosposeidon:
I don't dispute a single word of what you wrote.
I wrote what I wrote for no better reason than to say, "What a fucked up world we live in."
Right now, it's about all I feel like saying. >> ^Yogi:
>> ^kronosposeidon:
I'm sure Whoopi Goldberg will come to their defense. Apparently she has more time to defend racist pigs now that she doesn't have to defend Rapey McAsshole anymore.
Wow...yeah I definitely don't see a difference in the two situations at all. Nope that crowd of angry racist white folks is exactly the same as a drunk celebrity millionaire saying racist comments to someone when he doesn't realize he's being recorded.
There's an obvious difference, for one thing I don't fucking care what Mel Gibson has to say. I care about what large groups of our countrymen have to say and I care about them sponsoring politicians and trying to get their warped views represented in this country.
Fair enough. I agree, fucked up and I refuse to participate in it.
Winstonfield_Pennypackersays...You guys are still on this? Finding a few screwballs in crowds of tens of thousands isn't difficult - but regardless this video in particular is a load of deceptive crap. It was made by a liberal group called Think Progress who sent plants into Tea Party rallies to get racism quotes - some of the plants were chased away by Tea Partiers to boot.
There now - don't you people who thought this was an 'expose' feel stupid? Stop being tools and start thinking. Tea Party isn't about race. It's about slapping down government, which is taking too much power and needs to be corrected. But I don't know why I even try sometimes. Some people are so blinkered by partisan fanboism that if Barak Obama told them the moon was made of green cheese they'd really, truly, honestly think he was telling the truth.
blankfistSome music for this video.
VoodooVI hate to say it, but I can't judge the teabaggers based on a relatively small number of racists. The problem with the teabaggers is that they represent general incoherent anger. Name me one person who isn't pissed off about the state of our country right now....problem is..we're pissed off for a vast number of DIFFERENT reasons. The instant the teabagger leadership (if there is any) spells out any concrete stance on anything....they lose a huge chunk of their support. Which is why they will never do such a thing. They are more popular when they are just blindly angry about everything. The problem is that that is no way to lead a country.
Yogi>> ^VoodooV:
I hate to say it, but I can't judge the teabaggers based on a relatively small number of racists. The problem with the teabaggers is that they represent general incoherent anger. Name me one person who isn't pissed off about the state of our country right now....problem is..we're pissed off for a vast number of DIFFERENT reasons. The instant the teabagger leadership (if there is any) spells out any concrete stance on anything....they lose a huge chunk of their support. Which is why they will never do such a thing. They are more popular when they are just blindly angry about everything. The problem is that that is no way to lead a country.
That was an annoyingly salient set of points you just made. I used to be the one to make those points. I also happen to think that they're all racists because it's probably true.
entr0py>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
You guys are still on this? Finding a few screwballs in crowds of tens of thousands isn't difficult - but regardless this video in particular is a load of deceptive crap.
I do think the screwball to regular person ratio is unusually high in the tea party. Still, you're right, it's nowhere near as high as you'd be lead to believe from this video. But that's not really the point.
The NAACP did not call the entire tea party racist. They called on those who consider themselves to be leaders of the tea party to denounce the racist elements. Something that Sarah Palin has so far refused to do. In fact her response has been to claim there are no racist elements in the tea party. That is what makes videos like this necessary, to document that yes it really exists, the NAACP is not making it up.
Winstonfield_Pennypackersays...The NAACP did not call the entire tea party racist.
This is the same kind of thing where Obama says his health care plan will not have "death panels" and yet at then in a few weeks he recess appoints a guy to be in charge of rationing health care. I will dissassemble the weasel-speak of the NAACP, if I may...
Instead of joining us to repudiate racism, Tea Party leaders have attempted a tit for tat and demanded that we condemn the New Black Panther Party for reported hate speech.
This statement implies that the Tea Party has not repudiated racism. This is a blatant falsehood. When racism shows up, the national movement has condemned it. They do so repeatedly.
"The Federation does not and will not tolerate any form of racism, violence or hate speech... We believe to our core that racism and hate speech have no place in civil political discourse and debate..."
So Jealous & the NAACP are full of crap. The Tea Party does condemn racism. That doesn't stop left wing astroturf from showing up to promulgate it, nor does it stop racist hanger-ons who just show up. But the accusation that the Tea Party does not reject racism is patently false.
"And the New Black Panther Party is not a member of the NAACP. What we are asking the Tea Party to eschew is not the racism of some outside organization, but the bigotry within."
So - because the NBP aren't members of the NAACP means that their racism is OK and not worth condeming? A lot of the people who are accused of being racists aren't members of the Tea party officially (show me the proof) - so by his logic that makes them OK, right? This is a hypocritical double-standard of the worst kind and for the NAACP to make this argument makes them the lowest form of race hucksters.
With increased influence comes increased responsibility
Physician - heal thyself.
In fact her response has been to claim there are no racist elements in the tea party.
in the first place, Palin isn't a representative of the Tea Party as far as I am aware. She agrees with their positions, but is not a spokesperson. Second, she's right. The OFFICIAL position of the Tea Party - their mission statements and their objectives - have absolutely no racist element to them whatsoever. Period. End of story. As shown above - their official position is to condemn racism and racists.
What is happening here is the NAACP & left wing kooks are using the actions of a small fraction of extremist hanger-ons to try and condemn a larger movement. It is disingenous, false, and slimy. To use such tactics makes THEM the racists - not the tea party - because they are deliberately (and falsely) using race to advance their cause. The tea party does not do this, which is why they make the charges of reverse racism at the NAACP. And the charge has merit because the NAACP is the one running around looking at the world through race colored lenses.
rottenseedThis could be one of those scenarios where a group "condemns" an action, but its members proceed to act as they do anyhow.
I believe, however, that the tea party movement is a legitimate movement consisting of people with legitimate political concerns that are not founded in anything other than a devotion to their political beliefs. Sometimes you get fringe crazies in every movement that view that movement as a way for their voice to be heard or that cling to a tangent of the movement and make it about something else.
For example:
General teabagger: "Down with Obama, down with taxes!"
Weird fringe teabagger: "Down with Obama because he's a n*gger, muslim, communist fascist socialist! oh, and hitler!"
NetRunner>> ^rottenseed:
I believe, however, that the tea party movement is a legitimate movement consisting of people with legitimate political concerns that are not founded in anything other than a devotion to their political beliefs. Sometimes you get fringe crazies in every movement that view that movement as a way for their voice to be heard or that cling to a tangent of the movement and make it about something else.
For example:
General teabagger: "Down with Obama, down with taxes!"
Weird fringe teabagger: "Down with Obama because he's a n gger, muslim, communist fascist socialist! oh, and hitler!"
The "legitimate" movement you described is called the conservative movement. The Tea Parties are almost by their own definition the extremist fringe of that movement.
What they sound like is:
General teabagger: Down with Socialist, Communist, Fascist Nazi Hitler Obama and his death panels and Marxist redistribution of wealth!
Slightly less common teabagger: Same as above, add references to Kenya, birth certificate, Muslim, picture of Obama-as-Joker, picture of Obama-as-Witch Doctor, accusations that Obama wants slave reparations, accusations that Obama is a racist, accusation that Obama is trying to enslave whites
Truly rare teabagger: uses the word nigger in reference to Obama, or openly endorses a white supremacy group, makes reference to some racial stereotype about Obama.
I mean, not to let it go to his head, but I consider blankfist to be the poster boy for what the Tea Party wants people to think their average member sounds like, and even he is quite happy to say that first line.
Winstonfield_Pennypackersays...That perception is largely confined to the tortured psyches of left wing extremists Net. The vast majority of Tea party members are just average folks who are fed up with big government and believe it is time for a long overdue correction. They aren't birthers, and they aren't racists. The whole NAACP thing is nothing more than an attempt to angry up the blood of minority voters while at the same time trying to take the Tea party off message. They want the Tea party to be constantly apologizing about race instead of harping on high taxes, Obama's massive debt, and Obama's massive government power grabs of finance, medicine, and energy. The Tea Party - very wisely I think - has mostly stayed on message and ignored the NAACP's crocodile tears over 'racist elements'. There's 'racists elements' in the NAACP too, but I don't hear the same calls for constant self flagellation. The NAACP can cram it sideways with walnuts.
Winstonfield_Pennypackersays...Here is a fascinating side-line to the story...
Quite clearly this woman was a racist. Props to the NAACP for agreeing with the dismissal, and their claims that they will investigate the "disturbing" attitude of the audience which applauded the racism. But you know what? You're late to the party. For decades your organization has tacitly approved of this kind of attitude. Gone are the days when good men like King led a just movement based on the principle of true equality. The modern race industry is more about payola than principle.
The cancer of racism within your organization is persistent and prevailant - and it is going to take more than 2 seconds of navel-gazing. The words of your leaders (Wright, Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakahn, Shabazz, and many others) constantly drip with race-oriented attitude, and demands for unequal treatment under the law based on skin color. Until you start consistently hammering all racism across the board then your repentance is rhetoric and Sherrod nothing but a sacrificial lamb.
Within the african american community there is a disturbing trend of too many events, activites, speeches, attitudes, projects, and causes that are designed around an attitude of race. Within these events there are too many demagogues who are just as racist as the woman in this video. And within the crowds there are too many amens, cheers, claps, and nods of agreement.
If racism is really a bad thing, then it can't be given a pass when it shows up among groups with which you may be sympathetic. What happens when racism is ignored when it shows up among groups you like, and only gets a frown in groups you don't like? It becomes a 'card' to play and not a sin to correct.
I don't defend racism in the Tea Party. When it shows up, I hope they stomp on it. But their mission statements are clear, simple, and have NOTHING to do with race. The NAACP in its very title is a racist organization (Advancement of COLORED People). A group that is built around racism like they are gets a much more critical eye from me.
longdeLooks like a successful attempt by the teabaggers to scapegoat one of the good guys to cover their own egregious racism. If this is what passes for black "racism", I bet black folks wish the Klan could follow her example:
Sherrod identified the white farmer as Roger Spooner. CNN today interviewed his wife, Eloise Spooner, who said Sherrod had helped her and her husband save their farm.
"She's a good friend ... she helped save her farm," Spooner said, adding that Sherrod did all she could to help them. "They have not treated her right."
From the article:
But Sherrod told first to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and then CNN that her comments were taken out of context. She says that the anecdote was part of a larger story, one in which she explains how she overcame her initial prejudice.
"The story helped me realize that race is not the issue, it's about the people who have and the people who don't. When I speak to groups, I try to speak about getting beyond the issue of race," she told the AJC, adding that she went on to help other white farmers.
Big Government has not posted the full speech. The Douglas, Ga., company which filmed the banquet for the local NAACP has refused to release it to TPMmuckraker. The owner of the video company, Johnny Wilkerson, says he is sending the full video to the national NAACP, and hopes to post it in full once he gets permission.
Wilkerson also told us that the full speech is exactly as Sherrod described, and that she goes on to explain learning the error of her initial impression and helping the farmer keep his farm.
In 1986, at the time of the incident, Sherrod worked for the Federation of Southern Cooperative/Land Assistance Fund, a job she held until she was appointed to the USDA last year.
longdeRacist New Hampshire State House Candidate Advises Tea Party To Be More Open With Its Racism
While the tea party movement is desperately trying to fight off charges of “racist elements” from the NAACP, Ryan J. Murdough, a Republican candidate for New Hampshire State House, has no qualms about expressing his views on race. “It is time for white people in New Hampshire and across the country to take a stand,” Murdough wrote in a letter to the Concord Monitor titled “We must preserve our racial identity”:
"For far too long white Americans have been told that diversity is something beneficial to their existence. Statistics prove that the opposite is true. New Hampshire residents must seek to preserve their racial identity if we want future generations to have to possibility to live in such a great state. Affirmative action, illegal and legal non-white immigration, anti-white public school systems, and an anti-white media have done much damage to the United States of America and especially New Hampshire. It is time for white people in New Hampshire and across the country to take a stand. We are only 8 percent of the world’s population and we need our own homeland, just like any other non-white group of people deserve their own homeland."
Winstonfield_Pennypackersays...The point was not whether or not she 'repented'. The point was that she was racist, and abused her position. This she freely admits. So how does a person get that way? Clearly as a product of the organizations, associations, and education that got her into that position. Racism is racism, whether it's a black lady not doing 'all she could' to help white farmers, or some white guy trying to get attention by falsely claiming he's a Republican or TP sympathizer.
rougy>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
...some white guy trying to get attention by falsely claiming he's a Republican or TP sympathizer.
Yeah, right. There are no racists in the GOP or the Tea Baggers.
It's all a liberal conspiracy.
Rush Limbaugh is a closet liberal. Glenn Beck is a closet liberal. That guy in New Hampshire who wants to keep the state white, he's a plant. Yeah.
More black is white and up is down from the board's local shylock.
longdeThat woman from her pulpit in the meeting gave an appeal to black people to stop anti-white racism, by relating how she overcame her own predjudices 24 years ago. That is your black racist?
I can't take you seriously 90% of the time. Why oh why do I take the troll bait?
>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
The point was not whether or not she 'repented'. The point was that she was racist, and abused her position. This she freely admits. So how does a person get that way? Clearly as a product of the organizations, associations, and education that got her into that position. Racism is racism, whether it's a black lady not doing 'all she could' to help white farmers, or some white guy trying to get attention by falsely claiming he's a Republican or TP sympathizer.
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