Tea Partiers Mock And Scorn Apparent Parkinson's Victim

On March 17th outside of Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy's district office teabaggers mocked and threw things at a man who said he had Parkinson's. They told him "he's in the wrong end of town to ask for handouts", called him a communist and threw money at him to "pay for his health care".


I would love just LOVE to force those bastards to have AIDs, prove its a preexisting condition, and watch as they suffer for their precious so called system. Somehow I doubt even then they would admit they were wrong. Even as they were being denied coverage and drained to poverty by the hospital bills, all the while screaming that its right, and its better than socialism.


The contagion of fear and anger can infect those you might least expect. Take the case of Chris Reichert who became an Internet sensation when he threw dollar bills hostilely at a man suffering from Parkinson’s Disease (video here: 1:15 mark). In the days following the incident, Reichert struggled to make sense of what he had done. He finally came forward to issue an apology.

"I snapped. I absolutely snapped and I can't explain it any other way… He's got every right to do what he did and some may say I did too, but what I did was shameful," Reichert said. "I haven't slept since that day... I made a donation (to a local Parkinson's disease group) and that starts the healing process."

Reichert said he is not politically active. He said he heard about the rally on the radio and a neighbor invited him to attend. "That was my first time at any political rally and I'm never going to another one," Reichert said. "I will never ever, ever go to another one."


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