Talking Point, Talking Point, Talking Point...

When asked about his continued support from white supremacist groups and neo-nazis Jesse Kelly, who is running for Gabby Giffords' old House seat in Arizona, shows how to keep the message on point.

The Story From Wonkette

I wonder if they realize how they sound when it gets played on television. If anything you made his job easier as a journalist. When he says: When confronted about accusations to links with white supremacists, his response was: (plays talking points roll.) He didn't want to talk about it.

I dunno, it just seems silly, answer the question. It is a good one. If he's trolling for a sound clip then call him on that.


I'd respect him if he said "I don't want their support" this clip tells me that he is a neo-nazi and he doesn't want to admit it.

How many neo-nazi or white supremacist groups can their be in the US and are they available for systematic murder? Say Friday?

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