Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates. Epic Rap Battles of History


The only problem with HAL, is that, well we all know he looks like he is actually a street lamp sticking out of a Atari 2600...

I had to say it. Not fear inducing exactly.

(But, that was the point...)


>> ^lucky760:

Awesome, except "I'm running C++" which doesn't make sense, strictly speaking. (You can run binary code compiled from C++ source code, but you can't run C++ itself.)

You could run a compiler, which I believe would qualify as "running C++" if only on a technicality.


Yeah, they got a majority of it right, so I'll give that minor flub to them. Also, glad to see Linux got an appearance.
>> ^AeroMechanical:

>> ^lucky760:
Awesome, except "I'm running C++" which doesn't make sense, strictly speaking. (You can run binary code compiled from C++ source code, but you can't run C++ itself.)

You could run a compiler, which I believe would qualify as "running C++" if only on a technicality.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)
>> ^direpickle:

>> ^dag:
Are you implying that Apple would copy the UI from another software vendor? That's unpossible.>> ^direpickle:
>> ^dag:
Fruity Loops
Looks a lot like Logic.

And Fruity Loops is ten years older than Logic.

Haha, sorry. I kinda thought you were trying to imply the opposite, for a moment.

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