Snake Vomits Up Entire Hippo

James Roesays...

The consensus on the digg article I found out about this from seems to be that it's a capibara, and one of the users there posted what I must take for granted as a good translation of the Portuguese.

"This young 6 meters sucuri ( sucuri is the type of the snake ) was dragged outside water, in land she can't move because of the extra volume in the main rings of her body. She felt endangered, and tries to defend itself. She wants to run away but to do that she'll need to get rid of the cargo. Look what nature allows this animal to do."

digg link here:


Sucuri is another name for anaconda. The elongated snout that's very briefly visible at the end doesn't look like a capybara but the feet do, much more so than a tapir. It's an amazing video no matter what the animal is. Thanks.


What I'd like to know is - how the hell did the damn snake get that thing down its gullet? Must have taken hours... And, how long would that last the snake? I mean it wouldn't have to eat another thing for weeks I'd imagine.

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