Sixth Sense - Cole's conversation with his mother in the car

No clue if anyone cares, but I always like Toni Collette in this scene.

Tags for this video have been changed from 'sitxth sense, haley joel osment, toni collette, accident, grandma' to 'sixth sense, haley joel osment, toni collette, accident, grandma' - edited by calvados


Well I fucking love this movie. It was overhyped but so what? If everyone told me it sucked I would still think it was great. When I went to see this movie I was one of two people in the theatre during an early matinee. That scene where the girl comes into his tent I looked around and saw that I was completely alone. That scared the crap out of me. Stupid creepy little girls.


HJO is one of those kids that is ENTIRELY too talented. I always thought that a remake of "Children of the Corn" with him and the girl from the Spielberg/Cruise "War of the Worlds" Dakota Fanning, would be an amazing mind-f___. Takashi Shimizu would have to direct, of course...

>> ^Ryjkyj:
That scene where the girl comes into his tent I looked around and saw that I was completely alone. That scared the crap out of me. Stupid creepy little girls.

Played Fear yet?


Brilliant movie (screenplay/acting/casting).
The cinematography was a bit lacking for me, but I think it did its job of being plain.

Toni Collette is one of our generation's greatest underrated actresses.
Japanese Story destroyed my girlfriend and I for like a week.

Great, great scene and a nice SIFTidge.

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