Should I Have a Baby?

Not for me

YouTube: When you think about it, it is very weird that most people get the choice of whether or not to create another another human being, but I'm very happy we live in a world where we do (mostly) get to make that choice. And, frankly, I'm not super good at decisions. Katherine and I can't decide where to go for dinner most nights, let alone whether we want to un-alterably change our lives forever.

But now that I've been a parent for BASICALLY NO TIME AT ALL but while I'm still a little bit capable of remembering what my life was like before I was a dad...I just wanted to share some thoughts.

-- Hank

When he talks about how amazing the choice is to "create" a kid; it's a total cosmic giggle for me. I just picture the sound of a ketchup bottle being squeezed; Holy shit! We got another one! So AMAZING.... and yet, yeah it's pretty incredible! Lol


It's an interesting social phenomenon that the only people who can speak ACCURATELY about the experience of being a parent are those who have done it, but the only people who are allowed speak HONESTLY about being a parent are those who haven't.

I have only ever met one person who said "look, I love my kids and I'm glad they exist but given the choice again.... I wouldn't have had them." And when they said that, the conversation just died.

Personally, I love kids. I teach a kids Aikido class, I love playing with my friends kids and most of all, I love loading them up on sugar and adrenaline and then handing them back to their parents while I go home for a beer and a nap

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