Shopping Cart Trolls Driver

Go home shopping cart, you’re drunk. (dailypicks)

nsfw for song lyrics.

>> ^grinter:

Shopping carts with swiveling rear wheels are F@$^king stupid!

They're much easier to control in the store, but harder to control in the parking lot, and vice versa for ones that swivel just at the front. I miss the all 4 swivelling trolleys they have in Australia.


>> ^EvilDeathBee:

>> ^grinter:
Shopping carts with swiveling rear wheels are F@$^king stupid!

They're much easier to control in the store, but harder to control in the parking lot, and vice versa for ones that swivel just at the front. I miss the all 4 swivelling trolleys they have in Australia.

I'm seriously not trying to get into an argument about shopping cart design. And I respect your attachment to Aussie swivelcarts. Still, I have to disagree on the point that they are easier to control in the store. When you have a cart with four swivel casters filled with a heavy load, and you get it up to speed, those wheels provide no assistance when you try to redirect the cart's momentum around a corner. It's a danger to shins and container goods.
It's like you are hurtling out of control in the ship from the game Asteroids rather than swooping around in an X-Wing.


>> ^grinter:

>> ^EvilDeathBee:
>> ^grinter:
Shopping carts with swiveling rear wheels are F@$^king stupid!

They're much easier to control in the store, but harder to control in the parking lot, and vice versa for ones that swivel just at the front. I miss the all 4 swivelling trolleys they have in Australia.

I'm seriously not trying to get into an argument about shopping cart design. And I respect your attachment to Aussie swivelcarts. Still, I have to disagree on the point that they are easier to control in the store. When you have a cart with four swivel casters filled with a heavy load, and you get it up to speed, those wheels provide no assistance when you try to redirect the cart's momentum around a corner. It's a danger to shins and container goods.
It's like you are hurtling out of control in the ship from the game Asteroids rather than swooping around in an X-Wing.

You just need practice. After a while, you'll be jumping on the back wheels and drifting sideways down the aisles like a pro

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