Shivers of pleasure while watching a political PAC ad....

oOOOohhhh, I liked this.

Uses Rush against his own party.

Yum yum yummy.

Is this for serious? Writing a resolution to basically ass-kiss one of the slimiest slime-pits in the US?

Rhetorical questions of course. At this point the GOP could institute obligatory long hair for women or call for the return to popularity of the KKK and I would sadly not be surprised.


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Koster's campaign response to this SuperPAC ad, per Seattle Times website

Larry Stickney, Koster’s campaign manager, responded with this statement:

“We now have a country where more than 46 million people are on food stamps because of the failed “progressive” economic policies that Suzan DelBene espouses. The attacks on Rush Limbaugh and the Tea Party are right out of the Democratic Party’s playbook for 2012 as they seek to divert attention from the job-killing economic meltdown they have engineered. Outside of pleasing the Party faithful and DelBene’s elitist social circles, this amateurish web video will be ineffective in swaying the voters’ opinions.”


sorry John, but we just dont listen to him that much in washington... frankly i dont know anyone who wastes time or has time to waste on talk radio besides old retired people who are white... oh, i mean patriots.


Bye you lying hate filled rape supporting opiate addict. Burn in hell for eternity.

Rush Limbaugh died today at 70 from lung cancer. I can only hope it caused him 1/10 the pain he intentionally inflicted on others for profit with zeal and glee.

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