We live in a state of surveillance, war, monopoly, control and indoctrination. Kill this way of life. Thank you truth seekers and truth speakers. We should all follow in your footsteps.
Judge Napolitano
George Carlin
Larken Rose
Mark Stevens
Aaron Russo
Doug casey
John MacAfee
Penn Jilette
Ayn Rand
Adam Kokesh
Immortal Technique
Cody Wilson
Doug Stanhope
Godfrey Bloom
Peter Schiff
Dylan Ratigan
Nigel Farage
David Icke
Alex Jones
Julian Assange
Bill Hicks
Wes Clark
Bradley Manning
Lew Rockwell
Ron Paul
Rand Paul
Russell Brand
Syrian Girl
Ted Cruz
Jesse Ventura
Kitty Werthman
Ted Nugent
Jacob Appelbaum
Dmytri Kleiner
Edward Snowden
Naomi Wolf
Thomas Drake
William Binney
George Galloway
Don't be shy. @BraveTheWorld
YogiTo put Edward Snowden and CHELSEA Manning on the same list as Ted Nugent, Ted Cruz, Jesse Ventura, Ayn Rand, Ron and Rand Paul, Alex Jones, and Wesley Clark is the biggest fucking joke I can imagine.
Those two are to be respected for their service to the American People and the Constitution. Those morons on that list don't belong in the same universe as Edward and Chelsea.
Downvoted before I even watched it because of your retarded list.
yourhydraI think clips of just those two would make a very short film
TruckchaseWow, someone quoted John McAfee to prove their point. Seems like a mistake...
StormsingerDepends, doesn't it? If your point is that drugs -can- cause brain damage, he's a pretty good source, following closely behind Timothy Leary.
bobknight33When the people feel that their elected officials stop following the laws then the people will stop obeying the laws.
We are nearing that tipping point.
siftbotMoving this video to yourhydra's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 2 days.
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