Russian Method Of Extinguishing A House Fire.

Quick & straightforward.

What I'm wondering is when does the Ruskie fire brigade get to call out this service? Is it reserved for former party members and the criminal elite or are Uri and Magda *Cysiet entitled to the air-tanker service?

My phonetic variation of "neighbor" in Russian, 'cause I try to be a clever mtrfkr when I can-


That's a Beriev Be-200 if anyone's wondering.


Word is, they were fighting some forest fires and when the pilot spotted the burning house on his approach, he simply turned his fat lady around and took a dump straight on top of the house, soaking both firefighters and a nearby TV crew.


What I'm wondering is when does the Ruskie fire brigade get to call out this service?


You wanna give me that in Cyrillic because your phonetic variation makes no sense to me.


What I'm wondering is when does the Ruskie fire brigade get to call out this service? Is it reserved for former party members and the criminal elite or are Uri and Magda *Cysiet entitled to the air-tanker service?

My phonetic variation of "neighbor" in Russian, 'cause I try to be a clever mtrfkr when I can-


LOL I checked the pronunciation given on google translate and I can see how you got your variation. A better phonetic version would be sosyed but then whenever I try to speak to a Russian person I get a lot of giggles.



*played the audio and made up a surname I'd imagined I'd heard..

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