Ron Paul vs Drug war supporter - 1988


I've been around and around the bend with people like that more times than I can count. I'm sorry to say I've just given up and I don't give a shit any more.

Ron Paul was talking sense.

You can't talk sense to an idiot.

Most Americans are idiots.



I can't believe Ron Paul is a republican, he is great. As for drugs, well, as long as there is a market, there will be a supply. The war on drugs is just a political show. Yes, drugs are bad for you but...

Most humans are idiots.


most humans are idiots for real. stupid americans just get more airtime.
oh, and there's the education system, that's pretty fucked up don't forget, it's not like people are born stupid.


Check the date. 1988. Jeez. This issue is so one sided as to be undeserving of the label "debatable".

The drug problem is clearly a social/medical issue which gives rise to a criminal element as a result of government's misguided attempt to legislate it away (i.e. criminalize it).

It's like trying to treat diabetes by beating the person with the disease - you don't cure it and you create additional problems while you're at it.

Brilliant, simply brilliant. Just keep throwing money at a "solution" that hasn't worked in all the years it's been tried...


all wars are profitable for some, not so for others, then not so for the same some, later...why do you think they don't enforce the drug laws the same, year to year....Anslinger, recall?? Remember the early 80's in the us?
(not you, MINK, sounds like Lithuania has done nothing for you either)and roughy, perhaps you can sing the praises of your country one day, when really all it is , is the luck of the draw, as to where anyone pops up on the planet...Drugs have always been big money, from every angle......

yaaaaay America! So our leaders and potentials suck, what's it matter a fiddler's fuck??!! They all suck...


Thank God for Ron Paul. I've held on to the assertion (at times tenuously) that they can't be as bad as their elected officials because many liberals I meet aren't as embarrasingly craven as theirs, but it's nice to see someone talk some fucking sense.


I absolutely do not support Ron Paul as about the only things I agree with him on are the drug war and other "wars." I absolutely feel the same way about these drug laws.

Fuck Ron Paul but this was brilliant.


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