Ron Paul on Gun Carrier at Townhall Meeting

Ron Paul on The Ed Show: “It’s not the gun that’s the danger, it’s the person that’s dangerous.”

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i'm all for personal liberties, but to claim that "an armed society is a more peaceful society" is almost as lame as saying that the man didn't do this to attract attention but because it's his way of life


That is one of the most utterly pointless statements ever made. Of -course- people are dangerous and the gun isn't dangerous by itself. Anyone with 3 fucking brain cells knows that.

But unless you propose tracking everyone to such a degree that you can -tell- ahead of time, precisely -which- people are dangerous...pointing out that guns don't fire themselves is a strawman argument. I don't know about the rest of you, but -I- would rather see reasonable restrictions on where -anyone- can carry a gun rather than let the government know enough about my personal behaviors to determine whether or not I can be trusted with one. One general rule is simply a better, less intrusive choice.


In the two states I have ever lived in, both states where Open Carry States.

You don't see it very often, but they are there.

Conceal carry is more often the situation in the Metro Centers. That is why I never, ever get involved with any conflict. You never know who is packing what, and what their frame of reference is.

Kulpims, in many states it is a persons right to carry a weapon.

Shop owners in certain states are allowed to carry a weapon, and I've been in several shops where there are loaded weapons. So for some people it is a way of life.

Any thing at any time can be used as a weapon. Even the hairspray that is in the bathroom, or the Isopropyl alcohol next to it. But the most terrible weapons of all are the ones that are attached to your body.

I must concede the fact that some inanimate objects, that require a human to animate, are better at causing harm than others.


>> ^rougy:
What kind of a pussy is that guy if he can't stand on a New Hampshire street in broad daylight without wearing a gun?

I think it was more about the point he was making, advocating gun ownership ("an armed society is the only way to protect against tyranny" type stuff) liberty, don't tread on me, and all that jazz.


>> ^EndAll:
I think it was more about the point he was making, advocating gun ownership ("an armed society is the only way to protect against tyranny" type stuff) liberty, don't tread on me, and all that jazz.

Yeah...that or he has a little dick and this is his way of compensating.


>> ^EndAll:
>> ^rougy:
What kind of a pussy is that guy if he can't stand on a New Hampshire street in broad daylight without wearing a gun?

I think it was more about the point he was making, advocating gun ownership ("an armed society is the only way to protect against tyranny" type stuff) liberty, don't tread on me, and all that jazz.

Or it was the obvious...a "deniable" threat to the life of our (black) president. I'm utterly amazed that -anyone- thinks such behavior is acceptable, given the number of political and racial assassinations over the years. There are -zero- valid reasons to carry a gun to a presidential appearance, unless you are a Secret Service agent.


If you live in a county where you are allowed guns and you feal you must carry a gun your better if carrying it hidden as that will give you more tactical advantage. Having a gun is not the element that allows you to win a fight on its own, its specificity how you use it that's important. It seems that many Americans have a lack of basic combat knowledge and seem to think carrying a gun alone = protection and safety.

I think there is a degree of deterrent if you have a gun visually showing , but it also attracts atentoin as well. in a gun legal society in a situation where sum one is going to attack you gun or no gun your better of having a hidden gun.

However your going to be better of in a society where noone is allowed a gun, that way criminals and police would assume you were unarmed and thus be more likly to just steal off you and then run away/ not feal thretend themselves to use force.

It would be very rare that a situation would arise that sumone is going to mug you and attack you that you would then be able to reach down grab your gun and then make a desissoin about shooting them , before they would be able to act on you. and if that gun was already visual at the start of an encounter you are evan less likly to be able to get to it in time.


>> ^Stormsinger:
Or it was the obvious...a "deniable" threat to the life of our (black) president. I'm utterly amazed that -anyone- thinks such behavior is acceptable, given the number of political and racial assassinations over the years. There are -zero- valid reasons to carry a gun to a presidential appearance, unless you are a Secret Service agent.

Yes, we should give up all of our Constitutional rights whenever there is a president around, black or otherwise. Hey, black people are offended by racial slurs, so maybe we should forfeit our first Amendment rights? Or maybe that guy should've been arrested and tried without a trial... or without jury?


Except blankfist, this person was NOT arrested and he was NOT denied his legal right to carry his gun. Even though he exercised his rights in the most provocative way possible. Now, apparently those facts are not enough to stop people from accussing the government of fascist tendencies.

The issue here is not whether or not he had the right. The issue is clearly whether or not what he did was just plain stupid. I support gun ownership and the rights of citizens to no end. But this man clearly hasn't got an ounce of common sense.

Which makes the following statement very important.
“It’s not the gun that’s the danger, it’s the person that’s dangerous.

It's been proven time and time again that the most dangerous gun is the one carried by a stupid person. Having personally witnessed a friend shoot himself in the hand with a pistol, I can attest to the danger of guns in the hands of stupid people. The man in this video was clearly stupid and thus, a danger.

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