RoboBee: Milimeter-scale robot that can fly, swim, and more

This tiny robot does so many cool things. Not only does it fly and swim by flapping its wings, it can swim to the surface, process that water into explosive oxyhydrogen, then spark that to overcome surface tension and rocket out of the water so it can fly away.

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The most worrying thing about that is that I can only think of one place in most buildings with a reasonable consistent amount of standing water.

I would not want to be the person reviewing that footage.


"Hybrid aerial-aquatic robots could be used for environmental exploration and search and rescue missions."

But really, probably just spying on the populace, primarily.


I'm waiting for someone to copy my idea of using high-speed drones for police to follow fleeing motorcycle riders. Possibly with mounted tasers...

I don't care what side of the idea you're on, you KNOW it's coming.

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