Response to CNN's slander of Atheists!

A response to the bigoted CNN panel discussion about atheists.
If you haven't seen the discussion it's here:
After enough pressure was brought on CNN they relented and decided to interview Richard Dawkins:


"I wanted to give this an open mind. Then he starts with slandering..........All Religions

Exactly how does he slander "all religions"? Would you please point out where in the video he does this.


Jesus saved my baby! He should burn in hell, and take the rest of his kind with him.

YUP! More of that Christian love I keep hearing so much about!

(Moderate Christians must cringe when someone like this pipes up)

nickreal03- I hope you realize that the way you phrased your two sentences sounds like you are saying; "Jesus should go to hell, because he saved my baby!". That's an odd stance for a Christian to take, but I admire your strong conviction and stand by you! Hear-hear, to hell with Jesus!!! Must be hard though to find a church that caters to your particular beliefs.


Testify! I cringed at seeing such a popular response to the Atheist bashing video, almost afraid to watch it. But it was a great relief to hear someone who doesn't throw all the cheap-belief punches. Well done.


" I wanted to give this an open mind. Then he starts with slandering..........All Religions nice"

Erm... how exactly?

Where does he say ANYTHING against ANY religion? His ENTIRE post is about the mistreatment of Athiests, NOT anything to do with religion at all, but moreso against those that attack others who don't believe as they do.

(In regards to the CNN video):
These people are disgusting. The 'Pulitzer prize winner' is the most utterly disgusting. She says that people are free to do whatever they want but don't take prayer out of school or 'one nation under god' away from things? Where is the F*CKING logic in that? I mean really, how can she not see how that is just F*cked up... you puny little 'athiests' go about your thing, but don't dare stop us forcing prayer down your kid's throats or putting god everywhere they can...

Sick, sick people who give those who believe in a higher power but allow others to not believe without discrimination a very, very bad name.

I am a proud Athiest and always will be.


haven't even watched this yet, still having fun reading the banter, again, both sides of the fence have devout, both faiths rely on unprovable datum for their conclusions, and we seem to think in this particular trip as sentients, that it is imperative we reach a decision as to whom or whom not to believe, that this resolution will somehow make the remainder of our short trek more tolerable or peaceful.....

"In God We Trust" "One Nation Under God".....don't really see the seething obsession on the part of Atheists to erase a grand part of the United States tradition, history, and heritage.......every once in a while a dysfunctional freak, will file charges against some school district, and soon all can see, that the real issue is not getting the mention of god out of schools, or prayer, etc.....It's about the snotty, bitter little dweeb's own bullshit, whether it be a recent divorce, or he has been a shit all his life anyhow, now he has a pulpit.......

Look how fucked up Madeline Murray O'Hare was....her son...
Look how screwed the preacher's lives are that get busted for their bullshit, and how quick all are to blame god's inadequacy on his followers, or downplaying the atheist's
arguments, on the few whacked spokespersons.....

Perhaps this is why Jesus came down on the Pharaseeical practice of praying in public....."Go in yer closet to pray"....this means you atheists, as well, yer religion is just as insulting to the psychic space of your fellow humans.....

KEEP YOUR BELIEFS TO YOURSELVES-seems the best bet....after all, yer brain is yours alone, and the loneliness in there will be with you the rest of your life.......start screaming this or that from a mountain, and see how fast the rest of the monkies scream back foul.......or become followers, if that's your desire.......

Atheism is the same beast as the Born-Again Fundamentalist Pentacostal-Both are confused, self-deluded, and close to being burnt-out, on a very short, interesting, trip we call humanity......why don't ya'll get a fucking room!!!!????


From the ending of the clip... "Strength comes from having the courage to put your beliefs up for inspection and willing to give up those beliefs that are comforting, but untrue"

So, all religions are simply untrue? In other words, Atheists are right and the vast majority of people on earth are wrong. While this video and the comments (both of this clip and the original CNN clip) point out the intolerance, bigotry, etc. in Christians, this argument shows atheists are guilty of the same thing.

Even so, not a bad point. Christians should put up their beliefs for inspection, especially when it comes to whether their actions match what they believe. Check out Matthew 5-7 as a great place to start. Unfortunately, it is all too easy to find those whose actions don't support their words/beliefs (in video clips, comments or other places).


Love how atheists use smug retort to heresy, while Christian's use Bible verses and emotionalism, thoughtfulness, and prayer....Both are beautiful, both camps struggling to actualize......keep up the struggle!


coolvideo7: I don't think he was trying to say that atheism is truth and people need to give up all other belief systems because they are untrue. He's talking about the ability to change you mind. The ability of a person's beliefs to change over time, to discard pieces that are no longer relevant and take up new ones. Say for example the ability to change ones mind about the origin of the universe when confronted with compelling evidence.


I will perhaps appear like a bad guy (I reassure you i'm not this kind of fanatic who give bad press to religion) but i have some question to ask to the atheist among you:

1-How do you manage to face death if you don't believe in a afterlife?

2- Do you have any ''who i am, where i am'' kind of question in your life ?

3- Do you always wonder about the possibility than the philosophy of the church (or any human believer) was not necesseraly the one of god?


Chicar, to provide one set of answers to your questions:

1) How does one face death with the belief that there is an afterlife? Does it make it OK that you are leaving your mortal self? Your time on Earth is ending regardless of what comes after. How have you spent your time? Have you led a life that you feel proud of? Having the opportunity to reflect upon those questions after death does not make death any easier. Believing that I will spend eternity in God's presence does not offer any more solace than believing that after having spent my life fighting for what I believe is right, I will have the opportunity to rest. Nothingness need not be viewed as fearsome.

2) I don't think I have any question in my life weighing more heavily on my mind. Self-exploration and attempting to discover as much as I can about the natural world and universe around me consume a large portion of my day. Philosophy is a good outlet for secular pursuit of such grand questions.

3) I feel that this question presupposes the existence of God and is too vague to provide a good answer to. But perhaps it is just my interpretation of the question that is vague. I will do my best to answer as succinctly as I can. Having been raised Roman Catholic, I spent a lot of time examining the philosophy of the church, but not in relation to God's will(even when I believed in God). It must be recognized that the church is primarily a social institution, created by man, for man. As such, it cannot accurately reflect the will of God, again presupposing God's existence. It will always reflect the will of man. Holy men's interpretations of God's will is inherently tainted simply as a result of being human.

I could talk for hours on these questions. Discussing spirituality, even as an atheist, brings me great inner peace. The reason I feel frightened by many Christians, particularly in America, these days is that they have politicized their religion. They have removed its spirituality and have taken to using it as justification for their agendas, which are frequently filled with a shocking amount of hate.


I can't say I know your background or where you're at. I would say you have a claim on your rights and opinions. Belief in God to me is more than knowing he exists. It is asking him to respond to your questions. I can't answer your questions and you may not have any. But this is not about me. I'm a nobody and don't pretend to be anybody. Ask Jesus to reveal himself. If he is God then surely he can do that. If there is no God then he won't answer you anyway. If you seek you will find. If you don't then you haven't tried. Why would God reveal himself to someone who doesn't want him? You make up your own mind because it is your choice and no-one else's.
Take Care,

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