
"Now it is true that the price of white people is expensive..."

Pah! You can get white folks for a pittance in Ireland, Spain, Portugal and Greece. If you pay up front, our masters in Frankfurt and the City might even offer you a bulk discount...


Vice just did a story on this very topic. The most interesting actor they hired pretended to be a prestigious doctor who even gave a lecture among other actual (Chinese) doctors to a huge audience, and he didn't even know what he was talking about.

Interesting stuff.


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they nailed it!
I lived in China for a couple years and was asked to do this kind of thing from time to time (promote new restaurants, be in commercials, just have a white face) despite the fact that I actually have a somewhat accomplished professional career in games. It's a rare time when I've actually felt a small taste of what it's like to be marginalized as a minority.

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