Red Hot Chili Peppers: Dani California


Wikipedia had an article about the song and the music video. AOL had a different take on who is represented, but I can't find the article anymore. I didn't realize "Dani California" was a recurring character from other Chili Pepper songs.

James Roesays...

yeah, no html, we might enable images and links at some point, but we haven't decided yet. It would be easy to do for firefox, and well not so easy for IE, like everything in this world.


The problem started when the automatic playlist was added. Safari on my laptop works fine with Google Video - using "Tiger." My G5 tower is still on Panther. So it is a Safari for Panther issue.

James Roesays...

If it's a problem with auto play though it shouldn't be an issue with videosift. As videosift should not be autoplaying for anyone, at least I hope not. That would make the front page quite a cacophony.


Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Monday, April 17th, 2006 11:34am PDT - promote requested by eric3579.

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