Real world force field for combat vehicles

This is a promotional video from Rafael Advanced Defense Systems demonstrating their product "Trophy", a state-of-the-art electromagnetic force field for combat vehicles that stops missiles and other projectiles from hitting the vehicles. If this works as good as they say it would be awesome.

Totally real.
"MSNBC has reported that there is resistance to incorporating Trophy in the US Army. The U.S. Department of Defense has contracted with Raytheon to develop an equivalent system, which will not be ready before 2011 at the earliest (but now declines to say whether it still is on course to meet that deadline),[1] whereas Trophy could be deployed much sooner. According to MSNBC's sources, the reason for not adopting Trophy for now is that it would remove the need for the Raytheon program"

Wonder why this information has been kept from us, how about "supporting our troops"? Even FOX talked about it, probably only once though.

Read more about it here.


Yeah, it's quite obviously some sort of point-defense system rather then a force field, even though that was even how they advertised it. >> ^DerHasisttot:

It's not a forcefield, it's an intercepting round of ammo of some sort.

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