Rats are expert swimmers and can climb up into your toilet.

Rats are expert swimmers and can climb up into your toilet. They also have collapsible ribs, which allow them to squeeze through really small holes/cracks.

I love this.

Almost every time I sit on a toilet I picture and look down to see if, not rats, but if a snake is coming up out of it.

Then I always joke silently to myself that I'm sending a snake down it instead.



I love this.

Almost every time I sit on a toilet I picture and look down to see if, not rats, but if a snake is coming up out of it.

Then I always joke silently to myself that I'm sending a snake down it instead.


This video was validly nominated as a duplicate of this video by cricket, but @mintbbb fouled up and subsequently clarified that she mistakenly fixed her dead video with this embed before later replacing it, but her original post has always been much shorter in length, so this one is not a dupe.


One of my favourite chapters in may favourite book "The Ancestor's Tale" is about rats, and a quite erie science-fiction scenario with rodents having human level intelligence among their future descendants. They are almost certainly the best mammallian candidate for surviving the (human) apocalypse.


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