Public Pension Timebomb, Explained

Public Pension Timebomb, Explained | Former Mayor of Costa Mesa Jim Righeimer

What are public pension liabilities? And how could they potentially become one of the Biggest Economic Time Bombs in our lifetime?
Why aren’t government officials questioning the unfunded pension liabilities?

Why aren't (some) officials questioning the pension liabilities? In many cases it could be because Republicans at least tend to let the pensions go bankrupt then allow agencies off the hook for the retirement packages many worked a lifetime to earn, so why worry? Oddly, when it's multi million retirement packages for CEOs of companies being bailed out, the same people insist it's a contractual obligation that can't be ignored.


Democrat controlled cities/town and Democrat voting Union members giving each other a reach around and you come up with it Republican faults?

State Pensions are a golden egg at taxpayer expense. It should never be better than private sector.


Why aren't (some) officials questioning the pension liabilities? In many cases it could be because Republicans at least tend to let the pensions go bankrupt then allow agencies off the hook for the retirement packages many worked a lifetime to earn, so why worry? Oddly, when it's multi million retirement packages for CEOs of companies being bailed out, the same people insist it's a contractual obligation that can't be ignored.


So delusional.
You really think only Democratically led cities and states offer civil servants pensions?! OMFG! LMFAHS!

I suppose from your ridiculous insinuation you believe if the contract wasn't signed by a republican president, governor, or mayor, it shouldn't be honored even if it's legally binding?

What about police pensions?



Democrat controlled cities/town and Democrat voting Union members giving each other a reach around and you come up with it Republican faults?

State Pensions are a golden egg at taxpayer expense. It should never be better than private sector.


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