newtboyjokingly says...

No. I’m not sure of that at all.
I grew up in a swampy forest on the outskirts of Houston, and like possums (opossums to be technically correct) I was just a big muddy swamp rat climbing trees and playing by the bayou for most of my childhood.
Also I do have a pouch.


Are you SURE your mom wasn't just thinking of your physical similarity to a possum?

antjokingly says...

Wait. I thought you are a lizard boy.


No. I’m not sure of that at all.
I grew up in a swampy forest on the outskirts of Houston, and like possums (opossums to be technically correct) I was just a big muddy swamp rat climbing trees and playing by the bayou for most of my childhood.
Also I do have a pouch.


Lizards aren’t newts/newts aren’t lizards…but it would have made exactly as much sense…I also raised lizards.
Dad called me newtboy after I started raising newts.
Mom called me possum since I can remember…but I never knew why.


Wait. I thought you are a lizard boy.

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