Police Road Rage


What part don't you see as human nature?

Specifically, what I had in mind were the officer's wielding of power, his road rage, and the investigating officer's finding that the offending officer was not at fault.


I'm curious what part of this video do you see as human nature?


Fair enough. I see what you're saying.


What part don't you see as human nature?

Specifically, what I had in mind were the officer's wielding of power, his road rage, and the investigating officer's finding that the offending officer was not at fault.


Why doesn't he just pull him over if he so pissed off surely he could abuse his power more that way. Is this one of those cases where he has no jurisdiction on that road?.
Maybe this is the only way he can get the motorist to follow the speed limit the other car seems to be doing the same speed as the Police car, and its only when the guy in the big truck overtakes and accelerates past him that you see him pull over and brake. Stupid behavior i know but after you have pulled a few people from wrecks im sure trying to keep speeders of our roads would be one of your concerns too.


i kinda got the impression that the car was probably speeding to get around both cars, but yeah, doesn't answer why the cop just didn't pull him over.

in any case, it certainly looked like he was following the other car too closely

still, despite all that, cop is still a douche


Incredibly naive.


Why doesn't he just pull him over if he so pissed off surely he could abuse his power more that way. Is this one of those cases where he has no jurisdiction on that road?.
Maybe this is the only way he can get the motorist to follow the speed limit the other car seems to be doing the same speed as the Police car, and its only when the guy in the big truck overtakes and accelerates past him that you see him pull over and brake. Stupid behavior i know but after you have pulled a few people from wrecks im sure trying to keep speeders of our roads would be one of your concerns too.


Think i heard It said that it was a North Carolina cop off duty in South Carolina (said at about 1:00, comments that hes a jackass). He wouldn't have any jurisdiction to pull anyone over. Hes just some guy in the "company car".


Why doesn't he just pull him over if he so pissed off surely he could abuse his power more that way. Is this one of those cases where he has no jurisdiction on that road?.
Maybe this is the only way he can get the motorist to follow the speed limit the other car seems to be doing the same speed as the Police car, and its only when the guy in the big truck overtakes and accelerates past him that you see him pull over and brake. Stupid behavior i know but after you have pulled a few people from wrecks im sure trying to keep speeders of our roads would be one of your concerns too.


How is ultimately doing the right thing being a dick? I'd say NOT resigning even after being taped is a dick. I figure resigning is the exception, not the rule.

When you get pulled over for speeding, do you admit fault and pay immediately or wait for the state to make it's case, possibly getting off? So he waited to see if it went away, but it didn't. He still did the right thing.


My bad. Two completely different thoughts. I was thinking he was a dick for the stunt he pulled not the resigning.


How is ultimately doing the right thing being a dick? I'd say NOT resigning even after being taped is a dick. I figure resigning is the exception, not the rule.

When you get pulled over for speeding, do you admit fault and pay immediately or wait for the state to make it's case, possibly getting off? So he waited to see if it went away, but it didn't. He still did the right thing.


All kinds of interesting here.

If I'm understanding it right, it's a NC cop, in SC, so traffic regulation is definitely not one of his duties.

A bit of homework that makes this more interesting (though no more acceptable): There are 5 states with no "keep right" law, and North Carolina is one of them.

South Carolina, however, has a very detailed one. As an ordinary motorist, the cop was definitely breaking the law in SC (though an SC cop could have done that as part of his duty, that's specifically in SC's law).

No one got injured or imprisoned, cop quit, everyone wins. Hopefully they dropped the charge against the our driver. Best solution to a bad situation, as long as we keep it nice and visible.

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