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Phil Jupitus Rips Stephen Fry... Repeatedly

Some great moments where Phil takes the piss out of Stephen Fry on QI. He's a great sport, seemingly revelling in it and some of these clips are very funny

^ You know... back in the day, people had these things called 'TVs', and also, there were these shiny things you could use to watch shows on them called 'DVDs'. People actually exchanged money to buy these 'DVDs' and then watched these shows on their 'TVs'.

If you really like a show, perhaps think about supporting said show by BUYING IT. Geeze, bloody entitled generation... grumble moan.


I've gotta be honest...maybe it's because I was listening at work at a really low volume but I couldn't understand a word anybody said, and I fancy myself as good with understanding accents no matter how rich.


Phil Juiptus: What kind of a hellish quiz is this?

Stephen Fry: Fair point.

Pj: What one is the odd one out? None of them! bahahahhahah.

Sf: Aren't we clever.

Sf: Hey, is that me?

Pj: That's you.

Sf: Ohhhh bugger you. I don't sound like that.

--New scene--

Sf: Would that it where.

Pj: would that it where stephen, would that it where?

Sf (interjecting): Going all rob.. robinson, are would that it where, would that it where, oh sushen ticthen(?)

Pj: one for mother and only son.

--New scene--

Pj: You'd be rampaging through down town Tokyo, "BAHAHHAH", "no a museum!"

--New scene--

Pj: Stephen what are you doing in that bathroom? "I'm putting it to go one way, I'm putting it to go the other. I'm the master of the bath, hahahahah"

--New Scene--

Pj: Stephen doesn't have beer googles, he has madeira pas nez. (madeira glasses)

Pj: "Oh your a cracker, more madeira?" "a small sherry?"

--New scene--

Sf: Your the ones who suggested coins, I'm saying a kettle for example, or any other cooking...

Pj (interjecting): One one has a kettle like that! what you plugging? Look at it. We don't all live in a fluffy Duffy Dickensian world of charm like you.

Sf: well,

Pj: Oh there goes the kettle, and on the aga.

Sf: Its a perfectly sensible way of cooking food and preparing meals, and it keeps the kitchen warm.

Pj: No wonder fucking twinnings had you pal.

Sf: I feel a man...

Pj: of proper kettles, and porcelain tea, bahahh, china. England! Cricket!

Alan davies: Can you do an advert where you're cleaning a kettle with some brown sauce.

Sf: I jolly well will now.

Pj: Stephen fry, for HP, bahahhahaha

--New scene--

Sf: so we have had two blueffs, I should do that shouldn't I? ahah

Pj: would that it where Stephen, would that it where.

--New scene--

Sf: thats not the kinda thing I like...

pj: he actually had a bentley skateboard made of tea tray, "fine, original Birmingham wheels"

Sf: I had a space hopper. Well I did.

Pj: Baha baha baha baha, "nearly to (a place even I can't make out)" Baha baha baha. Mother, a bicycle next time for the love of god.

Pj: Your like nine feet tall!

Sf: well...

Pj: Your knees must have been here, bahaha.

Sf: Not when I was 8.

Jimmy Carr: Turns out it was just a terrible hemroid..

--New scene--

Sf: When I went to university, me and my friend hugh laurie shared a house, and we had a bit of work doing, and our plasterers, do you know who they where?

Ad: Cannon and ball.

Sf: Charlie higson and Paul whitehouse where our plasterers.

Ad: and you where there inspiration, for so many characters.

Pj: steven the fellas in the hall are awfully funny.

Sf: Right, I'm telling, you're bad.

Pj: what do you say we listen in on them, and, err, nick a few jokes.

So where's my power point for translating from English to English?


Your translation wasn't all that good. case in point, he had a skateboard made of TEAK! not tea tray lol
it even makes more sense, teak is a very fine wood, which fits his point, where as tea tray makes no sense. There were other things, but it wasn't that bad
Classic video, I have watched all the clips on youtube.

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