Pepper Spray Victim Dorli Rainey - Countdown 11-16-2011

Pepper Spray Victim Dorli Rainey tells Keith about getting pepper sprayed in Seattle last night. A pregnant woman, an 84 year old (Dorli) and a priest were sprayed with toxic chemicals because they were near some Dirty Hippies who think they have a right to Free Speech.

Proof that Keith knows when to sit back and let someone else speak.

Countdown with Keith Olbermann
Current TV

I can't believe this happened in Seattle. I just moved here and everyone is so nice to me and I'm having a great time. The Occupy Seattle peeps are nice too and they're right outside my school all the time.

I so full of rage right now I can't barely think straight.


I remember what appeared to be the breaking point for Keith - when his old man lay sick and dieing and he pleaded for Keith to kill him. Keith went on to make a special comment for Obama to put through a real healthcare bill... no dice. Now look at him go, you da man Keith.


>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Boise_Lib:
The Mayor called her personally to apologize.
She forgave him--so can we.

The Mayor didn't do anything wrong. The COP should be stepping up to the plate because he's a fucking moron.

I should have worded that better. I just wanted to point out that she has forgiveness in her heart.

The mayor did order the occupiers cleared out (under orders from Homeland Security?).

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