Pastor Wiley Drake Prays For Obama's Death

Sorry for the audiosift, but this is just crazy. To paraphrase a comment on Atheist Media Blog:

You know it's bad when a fox news is surprised at how crazy their guests are.

Sigh, another mind utterly demolished by religion.
I like the question the caller brought in though, and the fact that he stood pretty toe-to-toe with him. Then the radio host jumped on him.

I wonder if you could bring a slander case against someone if they stated publicly (ala on the radio) that you were going to hell.

The slander requirements for prosecution are such
-Knowingly false (because no one can ever, even through a religious lens, know that 'yes this person is going to hell')
-Defamation of character (I think stating that you were going to hell would defame you, but then you also have to prove some kind of harm has been done as well)


This guy is no better than other extremists like Al Qaeda that 'pray' for people's deaths on a daily basis.

*Religious Terrorism...or just *Terrorism because the former was redundant.

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