Parquet Courts - Stoned And Starving (Live on KEXP)

YouTube Description:

http://KEXP.ORG presents Parquet Courts performing "Stoned And Starving" live on KEXP from Mellow Johnny's Bike Shop in Austin, TX, during SXSW. Recorded March 16th, 2013.Host: Troy NelsonAudio Engineer: Kevin SuggsCameras: Jim Beckmann, Shelly Corbett & Scott HolpainenEditor: Scott Holpainenhttp://parquetcourts.wordpress.com

Hell yeah, I want to promote this but people on the Sift don't give a rat's ass about good music unfortunately.

Definite The Fall, Mark E. Smith vibe, which I like but sorta hate because come on man! Don't copy Mark E. Smith he'll stick his smoke in your retina and pour scotch down the hole!! But the discordant krautrock vibe... I am always up for krautrock rehashes lol, when they're jamming reminds me of some of my old bands

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