Parking space math puzzle

Only 20 seconds, can you get it?

Meh, that's not so much a math puzzle as it is a visiospatial puzzle (that's a word, right?) my browser doesn't think so, but my browser thought the answer was 69 and I thought it was 96.

Probably need to clear the cache.


It's a bit of a false advertisement that the fonts upside down are not symmetrical in relation to when they are right side up. The small loops on the 8 are at the top before and after they flip it. This is a clear, yet subliminal "tell" to try to trick the viewer. If they really wanted to do this they would not have swapped the fonts when rotating.


Car should have reversed out, just went smashing in to the wall or a bunch of other cars.

The tell of the closed end is to let you know what orientation the car is in and they just disregard that? Sloppy stuff.


Yeah, that's lame.

Must have been painted by a union shop.


It's a bit of a false advertisement that the fonts upside down are not symmetrical in relation to when they are right side up. The small loops on the 8 are at the top before and after they flip it. This is a clear, yet subliminal "tell" to try to trick the viewer. If they really wanted to do this they would not have swapped the fonts when rotating.


I don't understand. What do you mean "they just disregard that"? EDIT: Oh, I guess I didn't watch to the bad. I understand now.
The tell is both the 'closed end' of each space, and the moving exhaust of the car telling you the orientation. Spaces are painted so you see the number properly as you drive in, so it was obvious to me the moment the exhaust started (well, really, somewhat obvious before then when I noticed all their numbers in the thumbnail work in either orientation).


Car should have reversed out, just went smashing in to the wall or a bunch of other cars.

The tell of the closed end is to let you know what orientation the car is in and they just disregard that? Sloppy stuff.

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