PSA: What NOT to buy Black people for Christmas

Ercell Watson presents his guide of what not to buy black people.

Hey, how does he know the OC characters if he doesn't watch the show!!

Anyways, I don't think any race of any kind would want presents like that... poor guy. He's got friends with terrible taste lol


legacy, from personal experience you don't need to watch a show even once to know more details about fictional peoples lives than you ever would have wanted to even if they were real. You just have to be unfortunate enough to spend a little time around fans.


hey everybody, thanks for the comments. No, I wasn't reading any cue cards.... I just kept looking at my ugly mug in the monitor.. lol. I know white folks have wonderful taste in gift giving, no question, but those were gifts I did receive (minus the Jay-Z dvd...thats my roommate's) I mean, twinkies for real?? Anyway, I am glad some of you got a chuckle, that was the point. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday. I have a few other vids on my myspace page. enjoy! Ercell


Er-cell, this shit is fall out funny, these crackers just forget how goddamn silly their melanine-deprived asses can be sometimes, they can't help it, they's all damaged goods.....welcome to the sift, hinterland brother-I want that damn Twinkie machine, you got a paypal account?

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