Ozzy Man Reviews: Destination Cucked! - Cybertruck Fails #2


Another fun fact: all teslas can “sense” when a part is going bad and order new parts directly to the dealership in your name, only notifying you when your parts are ready for installation. No way Elon would abuse that system to fleece his customers, is there?

Also fun fact: driving a cyber truck in the grass voids the warranty, as do rough roads, potholes, mud, and puddles. Not the case for the Ford that costs 1/2 as much for a real truck that can truck.


The Pinto thing is total BS sensationalist stat mining. They include the guy that tried to blow himself up in the Cybertruck in Vegas as someone who was killed by the truck. Really?

The parts thing only happens when vehicles and replacement parts are under warranty. @newtboy If you can find the source showing the warranty is voided driving a Cybertruck in the grass then I'll find the same language in the warranty docs for Fords.

This stuff is funny and Tesla doesn't deserve any leeway since their CEO has apparently gone"fact free" lately, but pushing easy to discredit "facts" seems like it distracts from the real issues with these vehicles and the company as a whole.

The biggest problem with Tesla in my mind is their over-promising and shitty service. I'm not sure how companies get away with promising stuff that isn't available yet but it seems like it is getting more common.

To me it looks like their service problems are a mix of 3 factors.
1. Not enough replacement parts at the ready
2. Service centers are understaffed because of the principal of running at below expected need until shit breaks. Only then can you apply more resources.
3. Service centers were designed to work efficiently but are run by a bunch of idiots that came from other manufacturer service centers so they want to do it "their way" instead of following the efficient hands off model that was originally planned.


Maybe so about the parts ordering, I can’t find that, still wouldn’t sit well with me that my car could order it’s own parts in my name…and I would expect abuse, especially considering the company owner.

I don’t have one to read the warranty directly, but not covering any damages incurred off the pavement even on flat level dirt roads or driveways is not normal for a truck, especially a 4x4. Fords come with an off road package and do not exclude damages/failures that happen on maintained dirt roads or flat level grass (maybe excluding potholes)…and they don’t get stuck on either!

I feel I can safely say no other truck voids the warranty for “exposure to sunlight, wind, or water”, listed on the “warranty”.


Tesla is well known for covering nothing off dry pavement including damage from puddles or mud (neither of which should damage a truck, and don’t damage Fords).


The parts thing only happens when vehicles and replacement parts are under warranty. @newtboy If you can find the source showing the warranty is voided driving a Cybertruck in the grass then I'll find the same language in the warranty docs for Fords.

This stuff is funny and Tesla doesn't deserve any leeway since their CEO has apparently gone"fact free" lately, but pushing easy to discredit "facts" seems like it distracts from the real issues with these vehicles and the company as a whole.

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