Obama takes the gloves off - New Campaign Ad

It's about friggen time Obama.

Brilliant because it's not exactly a straight up attack. It's just truth about who his advisers are. The truth, if people will listen with a clear and open mind, will destroy McCain/Palin


>> ^blankfist:
I have more koolaid for everyone over here.

Jim Jones never gave anyone Kool-Aid. It was FLAVOR-AID!!!!!!!!!!!!! Flavor-Aid is a cheap imitation of Kool-Aid, which is a cheap imitation of actual juice. But there's a difference.


>> ^Trancecoach:
This election isn't about the truth.

Not only that, but this truth is not packaged for likely republican voters. Sure it looks good if you lean left, it's honest, direct, reasonably respectful. Nobody who has "identity" issues with Obama, which is still a large subset of historically blue voters, is going to care at all about this.

I think McCain/Palin is a much bigger likelihood then most people are willing to recognize. The culture-war mindset that Palin creates could very easily bring this thing home for McCain.

"The Same" may, or may not be a good message, at least they are sticking with it, so it may end up sticking to McCain, but it looks like an all eggs in one basket strategy, and it makes me queasy watching it and thinking that it's just preaching to the choir.


The old lady across the street from me, dyed in the wool conservative, actually has two Obama signs in her yard.

I do think this race will be uncomfortably close, but I have to say that I am seeing people supporting Obama who normally wouldn't.

And I know a few others who won't vote Obama, but they won't vote McCain either.

McCain is just more of Bush, and I think that all but the most fervently loyal Republicans can see that.


>> ^Trancecoach:
This election isn't about the truth. This election is about influence, regardless of what's "true." And influence is what the GOP does better than the Demos ever will.

to paraphrase pontious pilate, "what is truth? is truth unchanging law? we [all] have truths. are mine the same as yours?"


>> ^dgandhi:
>> ^Trancecoach:
This election isn't about the truth.

Not only that, but this truth is not packaged for likely republican voters. Sure it looks good if you lean left, it's honest, direct, reasonably respectful. Nobody who has "identity" issues with Obama, which is still a large subset of historically blue voters, is going to care at all about this.
I think McCain/Palin is a much bigger likelihood then most people are willing to recognize. The culture-war mindset that Palin creates could very easily bring this thing home for McCain.
"The Same" may, or may not be a good message, at least they are sticking with it, so it may end up sticking to McCain, but it looks like an all eggs in one basket strategy, and it makes me queasy watching it and thinking that it's just preaching to the choir.

Nail on head, dgandhi. People want to see their reflection; and that goes for both sides.

We want the smarter people in office, they want the pitbull soccer mom. It's the same dichotomy that I find when I go to family gatherings:

They're all sports fanatics, athlete of the year, Mr. and Mrs. popularity, deacons and prayer leaders at a Baptist church. They look to me for a sense of intelligence outside their usual mindset, respecting many of my opinions, except when it comes to politics and religion.

All rational thinking ends there.

They see their reflection in Palin and they see that it is good; they've been right all along, and McCain/Palin is going to make everyone feel more at home, less conflicted, less awkward about our sexuality and our faith as a nation. All those homosexuals and niggers and baby killers and preachers of the evil of evolution -- they're not going to be a problem any longer. They can accept a woman as VP, because, well, that's the less authoritative, yet still powerful role that wives in America have served for hundreds of years.

Praise Jesus!


Watch out for those terrorists... they just might attack those trailer parks in Kansas and Missouri. Keep them afraid.. very afraid... and the drones will continue to vote mindlessly.

Don't be surprised if McCain ends up winning. The US electorate is stupid enough to put another war mongering lobbyist supported goon in power. They did it twice already.

Three strikes, and the US is out. Another term with a neocon goon in office, and the US economy is going to be in quite a world of hurt.

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