Obama could have negotiated the debt ceiling increase when he extended the tax cuts for the rich, but he didn't.
YT: Jane Hamsher,
http://www.firedoglake.com, joins Thom Hartmann. In this debt-limit debate we witnessed far-right wing terrorists within the Republican Party - Members of Congress that even Vice President Joe Biden admitted acted like terrorists - threaten America with total economic destruction if they didn't get EVERYTHING they wanted in a debt-limit deal. And as we near the end - it looks like they'll get damn near everything they asked for. That's trillions in spending cuts - without one penny in tax increases on billionaire hedge fund managers - subsidized billion dollar oil corporations - and subsidized billionaire corporate jet owners. It's as though the president was totally unprepared for this assault by the Republicans. But it's not as if he wasn't warned that they were planning to play hostage-takers.
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bobknight33The only Terrorist in out government are the Democrats and RINOs ( Republican in name only). Not the Tea Party members.
shagen454Anyone associated with this corporate fuck government are terrorists in sheep skins.
>> ^bobknight33:
The only Terrorist in out government are the Democrats and RINOs ( Republican in name only). Not the Tea Party members.
citoAny member of government that have voted today to enact the Super Congress that bypasses the house and senate for future bills by a 12 member commitee that removes the right of debate and filibuster by the house and senate should be executed for treason against the United States.
I firmly stand against any militia or patriot movement that wishes to take back the government after today's signing into law the creation of the new super congress. It's already been proven that phone calls, protests, writing your elected leaders, voting all does nothing. So it's time to start executing these treasonous bastards and retaking our government by force.
kymbosThis just defies reason. I don't understand American politics anymore.
quantumushroomWhy are the socialists pretending they've "lost" because there were no tax hikes?
The "spending cuts" barely amount to a paper cut.
As Rand Paul said:
“The President called for a “balanced approach.” But the American people are calling for a balanced budget. This deal does nothing to fix the overreaches of both parties over the past few years: Obamacare, TARP, trillion-dollar wars, runaway entitlement spending. They are all cemented into place with this deal, and their legacy will be trillions of dollars in new debt."
Every time The Kenyanesque Hawaiian was declared a naked emperor and enemy of free market capitalism, the left balked. Meanwhile Jugears and Co. have been overclocking the economic engine for three years with non-stop spending. This clown never wanted jobs growth, he wanted 'brakes' on the economy and America in general, they are his idealogical enemies.
taxocrats = traitors
RINOs = traitors
direpickle>> ^quantumushroom:
Why are the socialists pretending they've "lost" because there were no tax hikes?
The "spending cuts" barely amount to a paper cut.
As Rand Paul said:
“The President called for a “balanced approach.” But the American people are calling for a balanced budget. This deal does nothing to fix the overreaches of both parties over the past few years: Obamacare, TARP, trillion-dollar wars, runaway entitlement spending. They are all cemented into place with this deal, and their legacy will be trillions of dollars in new debt."
Every time The Kenyanesque Hawaiian was declared a naked emperor and enemy of free market capitalism, the left balked. Meanwhile Jugears and Co. have been overclocking the economic engine for three years with non-stop spending. This clown never wanted jobs growth, he wanted 'brakes' on the economy and America in general, they are his idealogical enemies.
taxocrats = traitors
RINOs = traitors
No True Scotsman
Yogi>> ^quantumushroom:
Why are the socialists pretending they've "lost" because there were no tax hikes?
The "spending cuts" barely amount to a paper cut.
As Rand Paul said:
“The President called for a “balanced approach.” But the American people are calling for a balanced budget. This deal does nothing to fix the overreaches of both parties over the past few years: Obamacare, TARP, trillion-dollar wars, runaway entitlement spending. They are all cemented into place with this deal, and their legacy will be trillions of dollars in new debt."
Every time The Kenyanesque Hawaiian was declared a naked emperor and enemy of free market capitalism, the left balked. Meanwhile Jugears and Co. have been overclocking the economic engine for three years with non-stop spending. This clown never wanted jobs growth, he wanted 'brakes' on the economy and America in general, they are his idealogical enemies.
taxocrats = traitors
RINOs = traitors
It's amazing to me that you blame Obama yet have no harsh words for say Reagan or Bush. He's essentially the same as them...how the fuck is he different? You're just an idiot man...give it up!
kymbosNo True Scotsman - fascinating stuff. Thanks, Direpickle.
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