UnknownLobster mod - OS Xbox Pro

Dude builds a PC in an XBox case and triple boots Ubuntu, Win7, and OS X. This dude is my new hero. Amazing modding skills and his videos are excellent.

Excellent video. Engrossing and intriguing at the same time. Almost makes me want to build a pc again.
I also think we can invoke *engineering given the amount of work he does.


Nice , but the X box aspect of it seemd pritty redundent. would have rather he did something else with the outer case. by the time he had done all the changes to the x box it was pritty piontless starting with the x box case.


Any one with the EFIx usb boot loader module can do this. The trick to do this with out it. That motherboard is a great Hackintosh board. You can use the Apple install disk.. Just need kext for the chip sets. Life hacker web has excellent how to this this EP45 board.

The guy did a great job customizing the Xbox. that was worth the watch.


That was absolutely amazing. One of the best videos I've ever seen on this site. The conception the execution the way it seemed to even flow like a story it was just soo cool. I really like workshops and creating things like this, but the presentation of this video was what sold me on it, I was so impressed.



>> ^Yogi:

That was absolutely amazing. One of the best videos I've ever seen on this site. The conception the execution the way it seemed to even flow like a story it was just soo cool. I really like workshops and creating things like this, but the presentation of this video was what sold me on it, I was so impressed.

lol , put your penis away your scaring the children

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