

He missed out on an awesome experience.
There were skunks living under the tree in our front yard in Toronto, and when I'd sit on the front steps the babies would all come over and stand up in a line with their noses peeking over the bottom step.
Don't bother the family and nobody gets sprayed. You really have to harass or scare them for it to happen.


In the limited times that I've been around skunks, it definitely seemed possible to watch them from a safe distance and be in basically no danger of being sprayed. If there's a dog around, that gets a lot riskier fast though.

There's definitely a risk vs reward calculation to be made there. I think the reward of seeing some nature first-hand would have been enough to keep me on the porch if I was the guy in the video, but I'd have been pretty cautious about it. And I can't fault him for opting for "NOPE" either.


He missed out on an awesome experience.
There were skunks living under the tree in our front yard in Toronto, and when I'd sit on the front steps the babies would all come over and stand up in a line with their noses peeking over the bottom step.
Don't bother the family and nobody gets sprayed. You really have to harass or scare them for it to happen.

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