Name: Hannity. Job: professional liar

One of the most prominent liars in the America's Conservative Sanhedrin shows us how it's done -- just keep repeating the lie.

I can't believe that after his shameful conduct with Olbermann's waterboarding challenge, he still has a TV show...

Maybe if he keeps repeating himself a few more times, it'll be true.


well, this should tell you, that the IQ level of the average conservative/republican is that of pond scum. To retarded to know how to use that lump, three feet above their behind. But, these are the same people, that have lots of guns.

The upper 1% of the republican party, plays the other 99% for a pack of fools. But the 99% will not listen to the liberals or moderates. After all, what do we know about truth and lies?

Hannity should be waterboarded on principle alone. And done so, long after he's thrashing around like an animal. And we we stop, we ask if its torture. When he says 'no', we just waterboard him again and again.


I've always liked Sean Hannity. He's one of the best spinsters they've got on the right, and probably the most hilarious. I don't actually think he believes most of what he says, he just knows how to put on a show. I see him as a Circus Ringmaster.

Nice touch with the Monty Python theme music


>> ^demon_ix:
I can't believe that after his shameful conduct with Olbermann's waterboarding challenge, he still has a TV show...

Hannity gets lots of viewers, so until that changes he isn't going anywhere.

He certainly isn't stupid though. In fact, I'd say he's quite intelligent. I'm not convinced he believes everything he says, but he is very skilled at directing conversation to where he wants it to take place.

I don't particularly like the job he does, but I must admit he does it fairly well (attracting viewers).

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