
YOU are the #1 problem in America…you and gullible fact free morons like you.

You post this fact free hyper partisan nonsense and bemoan a lack of unbiased truth!?! Holy fucking sheep shit, buddy. You need professional mental help immediately. You have lost your bat shit crazy mind. He’s as hyper biased and untrustworthy as possible. The fact that internet trolls like him are the best you’ve got against fact and reality is both hilarious and sad.

Just fucking wow, bob. Moronic even for you….and that’s saying a lot.


Media is the #1 problem in America.

IF they did their job and report unbiased truth, America would be a lot better.


So My audience is larger than CNN, MSNBC etc. I know they have shit ratings but still bigger than me.

So you watched this trial ?
You saw what happened?
You know this kid is radicalized?
You know he is a trump nut case?

"fact free hyper partisan nonsense and bemoan a lack of unbiased truth!? " Your talking about those no fact media outlets, not me

And you facts came from where? Your ass?


YOU are the #1 problem in America…you and gullible fact free morons like you.

You post this fact free hyper partisan nonsense and bemoan a lack of unbiased truth!?! Holy fucking sheep shit, buddy. You need professional mental help immediately. You have lost your bat shit crazy mind. He’s as hyper biased and untrustworthy as possible. The fact that internet trolls like him are the best you’ve got against fact and reality is both hilarious and sad.

Just fucking wow, bob. Moronic even for you….and that’s saying a lot.


Lol. Is that what I said, or a ridiculous straw man you’re setting up to knock down?

Your fact free ilk are the decimation of a democracy that lasted over two centuries. Putting party above patriotism, principal, and phact (misspelled for alliterative purposes).

Yes, I watched some, and the trial isn’t the only source of info. I posted the video of him drinking and flashing white power signs. His own recorded actions are proof enough.
Here it is again…..

No bob, I’m talking about you, you are the one whining that the media isn’t unbiased and in the same breath posting insanely biased, partisan, fact free nonsense you call news….and god damn it it’s you’re - you are…not your - belonging to you….not yore - in ancient times . Learn English comrade. Patriots know their native tongue. What language DO you know, Bobski? Is it Russian or Mandarin?


So My audience is larger than CNN, MSNBC etc. I know they have shit ratings but still bigger than me.

So you watched this trial ?
You saw what happened?
You know this kid is radicalized?
You know he is a trump nut case?

And you facts came from where? Your ass?

"fact free hyper partisan nonsense and bemoan a lack of unbiased truth!? " Your talking about those no fact media outlets, not me


That, or a purely partisan hypocritical loon who actually believes reality is whatever Don or the farthest right wing nut job has told him this week.
I think the former, but there’s also a good case to be made for the latter .


So this guy is just a troll right?

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