My dog is a Jedi

a doggie called Scooter is strong with The Force

I was hoping Scooter would use the Force to chase away them lolcat posts. What's up with all these cat videos, seriously?
I'm sick of cats. The place I rent now has this big yard and ever since some Albanians opened up a kebab stand on the corner it became like a shelter for every homeless cat in our town. I'm sure it's a lot of fun for them (we call this particular hyperactive example "Ferrari" cause of his impressive accelerations), but after a year or so everything smells like cat pee to me. As much as I admire their ability to procrastinate I'd rather not be living in an epicenter of this feline twilight zone with cats eating, pissing, chasing small birds or each other and fucking in some very imaginative places (like my roof) night and day.

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