Meiden Van Halal - Muslim girls collide with Teeuwen - Subtitled

Yes westy, you noticed the leading production & remedial camera techniques as well?? I dunno man, for me the bhurka is a symbol of asshole Persian males treating their women like pieces of shit, but I suppose that's my twisted view of the cave-dwelling, Trogliditic Muslim religion.


Hans Teeuwen is a great absurdist and controversial stand up comedian.
He was a good friend of Theo van Gogh who was murdered for making the controversial film Submission about Islam. At the unveiling of a statue to remember van Gogh he sang a song in which he mentioned these women and that's how he got on the show. Here you can see the speech he made (subtitled)


Tags for this video have been changed from 'Muslim, Funny, Insults, Free Speach, Satire, Halal, Hans Teeuwen' to 'Muslim, Insults, Free Speech, Satire, Girls of Halal, Hans Teeuwen, Bimbos and Burkas' - edited by xxovercastxx

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