From reddit post:
It was truly a moonshot. Back in April me and my friend (that I made this with) were going through a phase where we were watching submarine movies. While watching Crimson Tide We joked about making our own, and through this I remembered that we have a local base. While still watching the movie I looked up the press email for the base and sent them a short email inquiring about access for filming. I expected nothing from it, I thought it was completely impossible. Amazingly they emailed back a few days later and it wasn't an immediate no. Over the course of many emails and calls over a few months we got final approval. It came all the way from the top person in Navy (Admiral?).
As far as I can tell it's the first time an active Canadian submarine has been filmed on for anything other than the rare news segment. And even if you include decommissioned it's the first in decades.
Really amazing that it happened. It was truly unexpected that they would ever say yes.
eric3579Canadians can be so accommodating. It's just what they do
ant*military *water
siftbotAdding video to channels (Military, Water) - requested by ant.
Deadrisenmortalsays...Upvoting if only for the reasons that this is my home town and my uncle was a foreman plumber on the refit of that sub. =^)
PaybackI sure hope they shut the screen doors when they left.
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