Most Adorable Taekwondo Student Creed


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Can we raise all our children, especially girl children, to so centered and in their bodies?

Please oh pretty please?


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Upvoted for cute, but it really rubs me the wrong way getting children to ritually repeat anything without understanding what it is and thinking it through for themselves. This is religious thinking.


"We're teaching you to hurt people and you have a responsibility to use that for good or not at all" was addressed and discussed regularly in the dojang I attended as a kid. You will not get that in the many McDojos scattered throughout our mini-malls.


Upvoted for cute, but it really rubs me the wrong way getting children to ritually repeat anything without understanding what it is and thinking it through for themselves. This is religious thinking.


We should never teach three year olds to repeat what we say before they can fully demonstrate an independent understanding of what the words actually mean. I will not have my child repeat the word 'dog' to me, until she's demonstrated a thorough understanding of the species, its nature, biology and history, you hear me? Only a religious person would teach someone words before they know them.


Upvoted for cute, but it really rubs me the wrong way getting children to ritually repeat anything without understanding what it is and thinking it through for themselves. This is religious thinking.


What's the connection between that and what I said? Words and creeds are not the same thing.


We should never teach three year olds to repeat what we say before they can fully demonstrate an independent understanding of what the words actually mean. I will not have my child repeat the word 'dog' to me, until she's demonstrated a thorough understanding of the species, its nature, biology and history, you hear me? Only a religious person would teach someone words before they know them.


Sorry, my bad. You said 'creed' but what I actually heard/read was "it really rubs me the wrong way getting children to ritually repeat anything without understanding what it is." I have a horrible reading disorder


What's the connection between that and what I said? Words and creeds are not the same thing.


Big of you to admit that.


Sorry, my bad. You said 'creed' but what I actually heard/read was "it really rubs me the wrong way getting children to ritually repeat anything without understanding what it is." I have a horrible reading disorder

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