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choggiesays... he famous?? God we need the darwin category on the sift, there's plenty out there....yeppers, Bill Tellists' are only wise when on the delivery end....Didn't William S. Borroughs do his wife in actin' out this fable???


Honestly at that range, you'd have be to retarded to miss. And yes, William S. Burroughs shot and killed his wife while playing a game of William Tell (Placing an apple on the head of a loved one and shooting it off).


It doesn't move because it's sitting on some sort of broom handle. That being said, the target guy is probably edited in afterwards anyway. lol "If you miss I'll kill you" lmao, maybe in the next life...


....didn' even look that close...i was to busy wonderin' how many people in the world were playing russian roullette, coming in at number six on the Stupid Games To Play With Pistolas list.

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